January ‘To Do’ List
Spend time going over your seed catalogues and plan your garden. Think about new seeds that you would like to try and foster for the… Read More »January ‘To Do’ List
February ‘To Do’ List
Order seeds and start seed flats. Water sparingly. Cultivate the soil and weed thoroughly. Lift and divide perennials, taking care not to damage new shoots… Read More »February ‘To Do’ List
March ‘To Do’ List
Prune winter-flowering vines and shrubs after blooming. Plant summer and fall blooming bulbs. Spray fruit trees and roses with dormant oil if you haven’t already… Read More »March ‘To Do’ List
April ‘To Do’ List
Stake perennials that need it and mulch perennials if not already done. Rose pruning should be completed by now. Mulch with manure or well-rotted compost.… Read More »April ‘To Do’ List
May ‘To Do’ List
Layer your veggie waste with carbon (dried leaves, shredded newspaper), and a shovelful of soil. To speed things up , add some fresh manure or… Read More »May ‘To Do’ List
June ‘To Do’ List
Groom indeterminate tomatoes by pinching “suckers” regularly so that the plant will put its energy into making fruit instead of leaves. Keep tomatoes well watered… Read More »June ‘To Do’ List
September ‘To Do’ List
Prune cane fruits such as raspberries and blackberries (except everbearing raspberries). Plant winter pansies and fall annuals (calendula, dianthus, ornamental cabbage and kale). Divide peonies.… Read More »September ‘To Do’ List
October ‘To Do’ List
Replace spent annuals with winter pansies, winter kale and/or grasses. Prepare soil for autumn planting. Plant spring bulbs. Dig and store tender bulbs like Dahlias… Read More »October ‘To Do’ List
November ‘To Do’ List
There is still time to plant those trees, shrubs and perennials you picked up in October but haven’t had time to get in the ground.… Read More »November ‘To Do’ List