The potting up was a great success!
Thanks to Pat Smit for the use of her house and all her hard work and Lorraine Gallant for her tables. Thanks to Mary Rowles, Shirley Lawson, Moira Leishman,
Jean Romalis, Kay Ogawa, Mardie Campbell, Lorraine Blakeman, June Meyer, Lilli McGinn, Greg McGinn and Charmaine Harris for preparing so many plants for the Plant Sale on May 7.
Please set aside vegetable plants and any other plants that you are potting for the sale and bring them to Charmaine Harris the week of May 1 before the sale. Her address is 6326 Bligh, Sechelt. If you have plants that you want picked up, please email Moira Leishman at . If you have a kiddie wagon that you can lend us for the plant sale, please contact Moira.